Encentrum incisum; lateral view. A species with small foot: < 1/10 of total length. (1) |
Encentrum incisum; lateral view of specimen from (2). This specimen is from a moss sample which had been collected in 2013. Only 4 years later !!! some water was added to the moss and this rotifer specimen was found two days later. |
Encentrum incisum; forcipate trophi: outline of rami not oboval; intramallei short; rami with preuncinal teeth, inner margin of rami smooth; length : width ratio of rami < 1,4; fulcrum short: < 1/2 manubrium length; outer margin of rami straight near mid-lenght; rami with 2-3 terminal teeth. Left: trophi of specimen from (1); right: trophi of specimen from (1) |
Encentrum incisum; specimen from (3). |
Location: Griendtveen, NL, sphagnum pond (1); Speikboden, South Tirol, Italy (2) |
Habitat: detritus (1); moss on rock (2) |
Date: 03.05.2017 (1); coll.: 8/2013; img 26.11.2017 (2) |
Date: 03.05.2017 (1); coll.: 8/2017; img 26.11.2017 (2) |